MelaLuna is one of the best sleep pills. It is known to easily stimulate sleep even when one is suffering from acute insomnia. The pill is very easy to use, and getting it is also effortless.

Each pill contains a strong, healthy combination of organic substances.

MelaLuna provides you with a dose of enough melatonin to initiate and enhance your organic sleep cycle. The result is that you sleep quicker and stay in sleep for a longer period.

Another ingredient used in MelaLuna is passion flower, which has many medicinal properties and functions. Passion flower has sedative properties which are essential for the treatment of insomnia. It is known to cause the relaxation of brain activity as one prepares to sleep. Chamomile flower is also included in the sleep aid. It functions similarly to passion flower to support relaxation of the brain and body to ensure that you fall asleep quicker.

Finally, MelaLuna contains Valerian extract that increases GABA levels. Higher levels of GABA mean better deep sleep cycles and thus a higher quality of sleep.

These ingredients have been used in scientifically tested amounts to ensure that the sleep aid provides the optimum results without causing any side effects. Users have reviewed MelaLuna as an effective sleep aid and one that helps to sleep better, wake up stronger, and remain focused and alert throughout the next day. These ingredients also make Melaluna a safe sleep aid and work very well.

MelaLuna is safe for all adults except pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also, for people with serious heart conditions it is advisable to seek medical advice from a doctor before starting to use the sleep aid.

Do you need a dietary supplement to help you relax and combat stress, fall asleep quickly, improve mental energy, and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated? MelaLuna is exactly what you are looking for. It is a non-habit-forming supplement that doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription or instruction to take. More about Melaluna is here